Information to Patients, not on the Spanish presidency agenda


The Spanish presidency has decided not to continue discussion on the so-called «Information to Patients» proposal. Two other proposals on pharmaceutical policy are moving forward through the Parliament.

A Spanish health ministry spokesman announced that the proposal would not be on the agenda of the Spanish presidency, and stated it was not proper for information on medicines to go direct to patients without the filter of a health professional.

The proposal is viewed by many health advocates as allowing pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to patients, instead of provided information on medicines. Barbara Mintzes from Health Action International described the proposal as “disease-mongering rather than disease awareness”.

Discussions in the Parliament ITRE Committee were scheduled t on 27 January, but were postponed. Swedish MEP Christofer Fjellner ENVI Rapporteur said he would like to produce a draft in February.

However, the Spanish presidency is advancing two other phamaceutical proposals on pharmacovigilance and counterfeit medicines. It has programmed 17 meetings of the Council working party for member-state officials to examine these proposals. Draft reports on both these proposals have already beed discussed in the ENVI Committee, and the vote in committee will take place inApril. Signs of compromise are already emerging on some of the points that have proved contentious until now. Linda McAvan (MEP UK S&D), the ENVI Rapporteur on pharmacovigilance, indicated that she would no longer oppose plans for member-state representatives to sit alongside experts in a new supervisory committee.

Fuente: European Public Health Alliance

1 comment for “Information to Patients, not on the Spanish presidency agenda

  1. Francisco Almodóvar
    marzo 15, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Una pena que la presidencia española no aborde este tema tan importante en salud. Además, en mi opinión, se está enfocando mal, ya que debería ser Información Terapéutica Directa al Ciudadano, no a los pacientes. El escenario de salud del siglo XXI demanda que sea el ciudadano el auténtico eje de la salud, no el paciente. Además, se debería debatir sobre el término información, no publicidad, que es lo que quieren los laboratorios farmacéuticos, publicidad y no información. Ójala en unos años la información terapéutica directa al ciudadano (ITDC), término que acuñó don Manuel Amarilla, sea una realidad, se concrete y se garanticen los derechos del ciudadano.

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